Other Committees
Even at your university of applied sciences, there's politics and democracy, just within the framework of the institution. Certain committees are elected, and these can then appoint individuals to other committees.
In the annual university elections, you have the right and opportunity to vote for those who represent your views. Of course, you can also nominate yourself!

Why so many and what's the point anyway? So that decisions aren't made arbitrarily.
Different topics are discussed in each committee, and only the people interested in those topics are involved.
You can also run for election and use your voice. To do so, it's best to contact the respective committees.

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The General Student Committee (AStA) addresses the concerns of the 13,000 students at FH Aachen. We represent your interests to the university, the state, the public, and policymakers. How do we know what matters to you? We are elected annually by the Student Parliament (SP), which includes your votes, as you decide who sits in the SP. If you have something on your mind, feel free to reach out to us directly, either by email or by visiting the AStA offices. We are here to support you with advice and assistance. It is our mission to make the study conditions as pleasant as possible for all students.
The Student Parliament is the highest decision-making body of the student body. With its maximum of 21 members, it determines the direction of the student body, mandates the AStA members, and approves the budget of the student body. The Student Parliament is the voice of the student body and thus decides on fundamental issues affecting the students of FH Aachen, from election topics to the semester fee and ticket.
The Student Council (FSR) represents the students of a specific department. This typically brings it closer to the students, making it the first point of contact for questions or issues. The FSR represents you particularly to the department and collaborates with it and the AStA. It also organizes events for students to enhance student life, such as various parties and orientation events for first-year students.
The departmental councils decide on the academic and administrative matters of the department: all examination regulations of the department go through this body, as well as new appointments, gender equality plans, and evaluation results of teaching. The council consists of seven professors, three staff members, and three students.
Combining studies and work is often not easy. However, working as a student assistant provides a good opportunity to gain work experience and earn money alongside studying. Since a student assistant job is an employment relationship and may be the first job for many, some students may not be aware of their rights and obligations as employees. The representation of student assistants' interests, known as the Student Assistant Council (SHK-Rat), is a point of contact for such issues and represents the interests of student assistants at FH Aachen.
The SHK-Rat monitors compliance with applicable laws regarding the employment of student assistants, such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act, General Equal Treatment Act, and Working Hours Act. It also informs student assistants about conditions they can demand and tasks they are not allowed to perform.
The Senate is the highest decision-making body of the university. It includes not only the teaching staff but also the administrative staff and us students. The Senate decides on and advises fundamental issues of the university and provides recommendations and statements regarding the work of the rectorate and other areas of the university. The Senate has several subunits, known as commissions, in which students are also represented and make recommendations to the Senate on specific topics. The Senate and its commissions are elected once a year.
The University Council performs a function similar to that of a supervisory board in a company: it advises the rectorate and simultaneously monitors its work. The committee consists of eight members and is appointed for a term of five years.
The commission advises the rectorate at the university level or the deanery at the departmental level on the possibility of using the Quality Improvement Funds (QVM) from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Students, represented by four members, constitute the largest group among the represented groups.
The commission collaborates with the Equal Opportunities Officer of FH Aachen to coordinate gender equality efforts. Additionally, it develops gender equality plans and awards scholarships to female doctoral candidates.
The rectorate represents the university externally. The rectorate is elected by the university council. The rectorate consists of the rector (chairperson), the chancellor, and three vice-rectors.
The dean's office leads the departments and represents them within the university. The dean's office is primarily responsible for the organization of studies and exams, the course offerings, and quality assurance.
The commission advises the rectorate on decisions regarding examination regulations, advises the senate on the provisions of the framework examination regulations, admission requirements for degree programs, and other study conditions. Additionally, examination-related matters are also discussed. Here, students have three seats to represent student interests.
This committee is responsible for allocating funds for research projects and research sabbaticals for professors. Additionally, a research strategy is developed to answer questions such as 'Where can research be conducted?
The Senate Commission for Planning and Finance recommends the use of the financial resources of FH Aachen. It regularly reports to the Senate. Students are represented by 3 representatives in this commission.