Social Consultation

Studying with Children

Are you pursuing your studies with a child? That’s certainly not easy. At AStA, you can receive personal counseling. We can help you with financial assistance, rights, benefits, and childcare options. AStA itself offers a childcare subsidy that covers part of the costs for a babysitter or daycare provider. An initial counseling session is required before applying. If desired, a personal meeting can be arranged. Just send us an email with your request to

Social Consultation

Studying with Children

Are you pursuing your studies with a child? That’s certainly not easy. At AStA, you can receive personal counseling. We can help you with financial assistance, rights, benefits, and childcare options. AStA itself offers a childcare subsidy that covers part of the costs for a babysitter or daycare provider. An initial counseling session is required before applying. If desired, a personal meeting can be arranged. Just send us an email with your request to

Counseling appointments can be arranged in person, by phone, or via Webex. Open office hours are held every Wednesday from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM at Stephanstraße 58-64.

herlpful links

  1. Familienbüro: Offers advice on all important questions related to studying with a child. Whether it’s about maternity protection, compensation for disadvantages, or family-friendly infrastructure.
  2. Once a semester, the Parents' Café takes place in collaboration with FH Aachen and AStA at Eupener Straße 70. You can find the dates on the website of the Family Office.
  3. Seite der FH: Here you can find information about holiday care as well as maternity protection.
  4. Studierendenwerk: You can find information about family housing in the dormitories and child rates in the cafeterias of the Student Services here.
  5. Familienzentrum Pusteblume: You can find information about family housing in the dormitories and child rates in the cafeterias of the Student Services here.
  6. Kinderkarte: The Student Services offers a rate for children's meals in the cafeterias.

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