
The Higher Education Policy Introduction Seminar

HopE stands for our Higher Education Policy Introduction Seminar. We spend a weekend at a youth hostel, which is like a Freshers' Trip 2.0, with students from all departments, lots of fun, leisure activities, and of course, workshops on higher education policy and general soft skills that can help you in your studies. At HopE, you can gain initial insights into higher education politics, or maybe you'll be inspired to get involved in your Faculty Student Council or the Student Parliament. 

There are interactive workshops on committee structure, the Bologna reform, and the big highlight: a simulation of a student parliament meeting.  


The last HopE took place from November 29, 2024, to December 1, 2024, in a youth hostel in the Eifel region. 

Participants from various fields experienced a weekend filled with exciting workshops that provided valuable insights into university politics and important soft skills.
Highlights included:

  • the SP simulation, where participants could immerse themselves in a session of the Student Parliament,
  • the LAT simulation, where important issues affecting the student body were discussed, just like at a real State Student Council meeting,
  • many other workshops, including topics such as event planning, meeting management, student assistant rights, and credit points.


Leisure and entertainment were also included, featuring a campfire with stick bread, a movie night, and a mini Christmas market.

Here you can find the photos from Winter HopE 2024:


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